David McDonald's Blog About tech, cooking, photography and stuff

Kubernetes On Azure

Kubernetes - #2 on Holiday Techie Fun Project List

So yesterday I posted on this blog for the first time since 6/16 (is that 18 months?!). In that post I shared my Holiday Techie Fun Project List in which I have listed my candidate geeky projects for the holiday season. Project #1 was getting this blog back to the point where I could easily manage it again - this time on Windows using Bash Shell.

Today’s project, which I started last night, is to stand up a sample app running in Azure’s new Kubernetes Service (AKS). I’m happy to report that I finished that one early this afternoon. There were two primary articles that helped guide me through.

These are both similar. The Hanselman’s post had some extra coolness at the end to launch the Kubernetes Dashboard. Also his article included the parameter to create a single node cluster (the default is three node). I worked on this both in the portal CLI and the local CLI. The local CLI has the extra step of requiring a login (az login).

There were a number of issues that I ran into getting this running. The biggest was that I kept getting bad request for missing registrations on Microsoft.Network and Microsoft.Compute. I’m still not clear on why, but the following seemed to fix the issue.

  • az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute
  • az provider register -n Microsoft.Network

Also note that I created a three node cluster. I’m not sure about the cost etc. so I was sure to tear it down at the end.

  • az group delete -n davidmcdAKSrg –yes

This was super fun and I learned lots. I can’t wait to get started on tomorrow’s project.

Holiday Projects List

Holiday Techie Fun Project List

Since the Summer of 2016 I have been in a new job where I don’t get very much time for geeky endeavors. I’m looking forward to the next 12 days where I’m off of work enjoying the holidays with family and friends. I’m also going to carve out some time for a few simple geeky projects.

Here’s my list

Did I miss anything fun to-do? Happy Holidays!!


P.S. 12/29/17 - - note the list order was adjusted to reflect the order completed.

Es2015 Javascript Changes

ES2015 Javascript Changes

Javascript is ever-changing it seems. There are a bunch of new features in ECMAScript 2015 (also known as ECMAScript 6 or ES6) including…

  • Arrow Functions (arg) => {return res;}
  • Shorthand for methods: render() { … }
  • const and let instead of var

Here are a few links to some articles outlining the latest:

I’m sure that if you look around, you’ll find many more!


Microsoft Identity Futures

So it turns out that ADAL is now morphing into MSAL. I saw a podcast on Channel 9 with Vittorio Bertocci in which he dropped the new news (to me) that there is a new framework in town, and it is bigger and badder than ADAL ever was.

There is a pretty good Build Video from Vittorio about the future direction of Microsoft Identity.



A New Post

If you are reading this, then everything is working. I’m trying out Prose.IO which is a service that directly reads and writes to my blog on Github. With Prose, i can type markdown in their browser. Hopefully it will save and commit this when I’m done.

Update - it didn’t show up. I have some specific frontmatter tags that I want to use. I will continue to play with Prose.IO to see if how I can make it work.
